Setup Actsim on ai cast

Setup Actsim on ai cast #

The setup method varies depending on the target OS version of the app you are creating.

  1. Creating an app for Actcast OS 1 and Actcast OS 2
  2. Creating an app for Actcast OS 3

Creating an app for Actcast OS 1 and Actcast OS 2 #

  • We use the following environments to set up.

    • ai cast
    • PC ( OS )
      • Windows 11 Pro
    • Cable to connect PC and ai cast
      • Anker PowerLine+ USB-C & USB-A 3.0 cable
    • Software ( Please refer to the respective URLs for installation instructions for each software. )
  • Start rpiboot on PC. start_rpiboot

  • Set the switch on the side of the ai cast to BOOT.

  • Connect the ai cast to the PC with a cable.

  • Connect the power cable to the ai cast and switch it on.

  • Make sure that the eMMC on the ai cast is recognized.

    • If it is not recognized, please change the USB cable connecting the PC and ai cast to a recommended one, or try using a Type-A to Type-A cable.
  • Download and unzip the ActDK on a PC according to the method described in Actcast Documents : Download ActDK.

  • Start the Raspberry Pi Imager on the PC.

  • Format the eMMC with Raspberry Pi Imager. Select Operating System > Erase, select the target storage for ai cast, and press Write. rpi_imager_os_options.png

  • Select actsim-raspberrypi.img included in the ActDK directory extracted above from OS > Use Custom Image with Raspberry Pi Imager, select the target storage for ai cast, and press Write. Confirm that writing completes without any errors.


    If you use Wi-Fi, please set it from EDIT SETTINGS.

    Other options are set as follows:

    • hostname: raspberrypi
    • username: pi
    • password: raspberry
    • Enable SSH: enabled (select ‘Use password authentication’)



  • Disconnect the cables and power cable connecting the PC and the ai cast.

  • Release the switch on the side of the ai cast from BOOT.

  • Connect the power cable to the ai cast and switch it on.

  • SSH to the ai cast.

    • As described in the Actcast Documents : Accessing to Actsim, The image is set to the same username, password, and hostname (pi, raspberry, raspberrypi) as Raspbian provided by the official Raspberry Pi website.
    • If you are developing on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you may not be able to resolve the host name from Linux on WSL. In this case, you can run Resolve-DnsName <hostname> in PowerShell to check the IP address and specify the IP address directly for SSH connection.
  • To activate the camera, run the following on ai cast to update the software.

    $ sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade
  • Run raspi-config to enable the camera interface.

    $ sudo raspi-config



  • Add dt-blob.bin by running the following.

    $ sudo wget -O /boot/dt-blob.bin
  • reboot the ai cast.

    $ sudo reboot
  • Run the following command to install the Hailo driver.

    $ sudo apt install git
    $ sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers
    $ git clone
    $ cd hailort-drivers
    $ git checkout v4.10.0
    $ cd linux/pcie
    $ sed -i "s/raspi/$(hostname)/g" Kbuild
    $ make all
    $ sudo make install
    $ sudo modprobe hailo_pci
    $ cd ../../
    $ ./
    $ sudo mkdir /lib/firmware/hailo
    $ sudo mv hailo8_fw.4.10.0.bin /lib/firmware/hailo/hailo8_fw.bin
    $ sudo cp ./linux/pcie/51-hailo-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
  • reboot the ai cast.

  • Wait for a while and SSH to the ai cast. If you can confirm that /dev/hailo0 has been created, installation is complete.

    $ ls /dev/hailo0

Creating an app for Actcast OS 3 #

  • We use the following environments to set up.

    • ai cast
    • PC ( OS )
      • Windows 11 Pro
    • Cable to connect PC and ai cast
      • Anker PowerLine+ USB-C & USB-A 3.0 cable
    • Software ( Please refer to the respective URLs for installation instructions for each software. )
  • Start rpiboot on PC. start_rpiboot

  • Set the switch on the side of the ai cast to BOOT.

  • Connect the ai cast to the PC with a cable.

  • Connect the power cable to the ai cast and switch it on.

  • Make sure that the eMMC on the ai cast is recognized.

    • If it is not recognized, please change the USB cable connecting the PC and ai cast to a recommended one, or try using a Type-A to Type-A cable.
  • Download and unzip the ActDK on a PC according to the method described in Actcast Documents : Download ActDK.

  • Start the Raspberry Pi Imager on the PC.

  • Format the eMMC with Raspberry Pi Imager. Select Operating System > Erase, select the target storage for ai cast, and press Write. rpi_imager_os_options.png

  • Select actsim-raspberrypi-bullseye.img included in the ActDK directory extracted above from OS > Use Custom Image with Raspberry Pi Imager, select the target storage for ai cast, and press Write. Confirm that writing completes without any errors.


    If you use Wi-Fi, please set it from EDIT SETTINGS.

    Other options are set as follows:

    • hostname: raspberrypi
    • username: pi
    • password: raspberry
    • Enable SSH: enabled (select ‘Use password authentication’)



  • Disconnect the cables and power cable connecting the PC and the ai cast.

  • Release the switch on the side of the ai cast from BOOT.

  • Connect the power cable to the ai cast and switch it on.

next: Running the sample code for ai cast

Back to ai cast tutorial