Vendor Guideline

Actcast Vendor Guidelines #

This guideline is written for users who publish applications on the Actcast.

On Actcast, you can publish applications for edge devices. The applications you publish must adhere to the following guidelines. Please make sure to read through all the items. Make sure to read all the items. Please contact us at if you have any questions about these guidelines.

Safety #

Inappropriate Contents and Purpose #

Inappropriate content cannot be included in outputs, displays, documents, etc. of the app. Also, you cannot publish apps intended for inappropriate use. Here are examples.

  • Content that harms or damages others
  • Discriminatory content for individuals or groups
  • Sexual or obscene content
  • Content that encourages the use of weapons or dangerous goods

Intellectual Property #

Do not infringe on intellectual property rights of others in the app, metadata, and in the development process. If your app uses third party intellectual properties, include the necessary license notations appropriately.

Privacy and Wrongful Act #

If the app uses / collects personal information or information that requires careful handling, describe the content and method of information handling. Also, describe what the user must do when using the app or installing a device. This includes the following.

  • Notices required on the site where the device is to be installed.

Releasing apps that perform actions prohibited by the Actcast Terms of Use or actions that are not notified to the user in the document are not allowed.

Quality #

Behavior #

Implement the app so that the device analyzes and aggregates information as much as possible and sends only the minimum required data. Unnecessary data transfer increases the risk of privacy violation, the communication charge, and the load on Casts’s destination services. Please note that apps that send data in unreasonably large amounts and high frequency may be suspended.

Documents #

Please create the documentation carefully so that users can understand the application correctly.

The following are examples of what should be included in the explanatory document. The required items must be writen in the document without linking to external documents on the web.

  • Required items
    • Behavior of the application
    • Content and format of the data to be sent
    • Device requirements
      • Model of hardware
      • Required peripheral devices such as cameras
      • Example of devices and peripherals that have been tested
    • Other things that users should be aware of
    • Contact information
  • Recommended items
    • How to install devices. Please explain clearly using figures or images.
    • Link to demo videos
    • Use cases
    • Example usage of Casts
    • Tutorials
    • Practical use case

Tests #

Be sure to do tests before release the app. Use an actual device and test it in the expected situation and environment. Also, test the app settings with various values. For apps using links to internet services with Casts etc, do exhaustive tests. Following are example items to be tested.

  • The app works as described in the document.
  • The app doesn’t stop on error or fall into an infinite loop.
  • The app doesn’t send frequent and large amount of Act Log.
  • The app is able to cooperate normally with Cast destination services.

It is the responsibility of the app user to ensure that the app complies with any legal requirements in the region where it is used. Vendors must provide accurate information about the app and the vendor itself so that users can make decisions about legal requirements.

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