Device registration

Device registration #

Connect the camera module to your Raspberry Pi.

connect camera

Insert a micro SD card with the Actcast Agent written to it into the Raspberry Pi.

insert sdcard

If necessary, connect a display with HDMI.

connect display

After powering the Raspberry Pi, the Actcast Agent setup process will begin. This setup takes about 5 minutes (Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Class10 UHS-1, Read/Write 70MB/s). After the setup completion, the Raspberry Pi will restart automatically.


Once Actcast Agent has been set up, the Raspberry Pi will begin device registration with Actcast. It takes about 6 minutes to complete device registration (Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Download 65.48 Mbit/s, Upload 66.49 Mbit/s). After the device registration, you can verify it by visiting Devices on Actcast to see the new device.

device registration complete


  • Should shut down from Actcast whenever you want to turn off power to the device.Suddenly unplugging the power cable while the device is running may cause to damage the device.

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