Model Conversion and its limitations

Conversion of models and restriction #

On ActDK, deep-learning models are in nnoir format. We provides the following tools to create nnoir:

  • onnx2nnoir (onnx to nnoir)
  • nnoir-chainer (chainer to nnoir)

You can install these tools like the following commands. onnx2nnoir is also included in the zip file that can be downloaded from Download ActDK .

$ pip3 install nnoir-onnx
$ pip3 install nnoir-chainer

See the following manuals for the details:

Restriction #

There are some restrictions as follows to convert deep-learning models.

  • Restriction for arrays
    • The number of dimensions of an array must be lower than or equal to 16.
    • The length on each dimension must be lower than or equal to 2047.
  • Conversion to nnoir
  • Conversion to C runtime libraries
    • All layers that can be converted by nnoir-onnx are supported.
      • Support to AveragePoll, MaxPool, and Convolution layers is limited to the 2D versions.
      • The use of LRN is not recommended.
    • Support of resize_image with nnoir-chainer.

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