
.actdkignore #

Overview #

Normally, actdk build will copy all files and directories under the app directory into an Actcast app image. .actdkignore provides a way to exclude files and directories that match patterns like .gitignore from the Actcast app image.

See the gitignore man page for available patterns.

.actdkignore files are always excluded from the app image.

Usage #

Let’s see how to use it through the following example. Now we have the following files and directories:

- main
- healthchecker
- subdir
  - .git
  - Makefile
  - FILE_A.c
  - FILE_A.o
  - FILE_B.c
  - FILE_B.o
  - libsubdir.so

We need only libsubdir.so now. By default, all files will be included in the app image, which is not what we wanted. Another way is to delete unnecessary files by yourself, but sometimes it would be troublesome, e.g., when you use git submodules.

In that case, there are two possible ways.

  • Add .actdkignore to app directory
  • Add .actdkignore to subdir directory

In the former case, we should put the following .actdkignore file:


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