Setup Actsim

Set up Actsim #

To check the operation of your applications, you will first use actsim, installed on a device that can communicate via a network with your working computer.

Write the image file actsim-raspberrypi-bullseye.img included with actdk to a micro SD card. See Installing operating system images for information on how to use Imager. Choose “Use custom” in “Choose OS” and select the image file.

actsim must be accessible via ssh command. Therefore, before writing the OS image, make the following settings. These can be set by Imager. See the official documentation for details.

  • Enable ssh
  • Change hostname
    • You can access it via mDNS <hostname>.local or <hostname>.lan.
    • If there is a Raspberry Pi with the same hostname on the network, you may access the wrong Raspberry Pi.
  • Wireless LAN settings
    • If you are using wireless LAN, enable wireless LAN settings and set SSID and password.
  • Change username and password
    • The default username and password are pi and raspberry, but this information is targeted by malware. Be sure to change it.

After completing these settings, write the image with Imager.

If you need a proxy to access external sites, set the http_proxy/https_proxy environment variables in /etc/actsim/env and restart.

Next: Test on local device

Previous: Implement an Actcast application

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