ActDK Overview

ActDK Overview #

ActDK (Actcast Software Development Kit) is a command-line interface (CLI) for developing Actcast applications. The features include the creation of application images and execution on a Raspberry Pi for testing.

Conversion of deep-learning models is supported but limited: only conversion to slower and CPU-version code is available. While the conversion keeps the accuracy, the generated stub code is slow. You can upload your built image to Actcast using ActDK. Actcast rebuilds the uploaded trained models, replaces the contained stubbed inferrer with a high-speed production one, and registers the built artifact under the app. The built artifact is not published at this point. Only the developers can use it. You will be able to release the successfully rebuilt artifact.

ActDK consists of the following two parts: the CLI tool actdk and the Raspberry Pi image actsim.

Components of ActDK

A Raspberry Pi with our image for direct connection runs as an HTTP server. ActDK also communicates with Actcast via HTTP. Your intranet security policy may prohibit these communications. For network configurations (e.g., proxy), please contact your network administrator.

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