Register ai cast on Actcast

Register ai cast on Actcast #

We use the same environment as in the Setup Actsim on ai cast.

To register ai cast on Actcast, you need the Actcast Writer for ai cast. The Actcast Writer for ai cast is not currently available to the public. If you do not have the Actcast Writer for ai cast, please contact us at
  • Start rpiboot on the PC.
  • Set the switch on the side of the ai cast to BOOT.
  • Connect the ai cast to the PC with a cable.
  • Connect the power cable to the ai cast and switch it on.
  • Make sure that the eMMC in the ai cast is recognized.
  • Format the eMMC using SD Card Formatter.
  • Confirm that a message indicates that the formatting has been completed successfully.
  • Issue a Provisioning Token as described in Actcast Documents: Issue Provisioning Token.
  • Start the Actcast Writer for ai cast.
    • If you do not have the Actcast Writer for ai cast, please contact us at
  • Select the target storage for ai cast and press the Write button to write the Actcast Agent image. Confirm that the writing is completed without any errors.
  • Disconnect the cables and power cable connecting the PC and the ai cast.
  • Release the switch on the side of the ai cast from BOOT.
  • Connect the power cable to the ai cast and switch it on; the Actcast Agent setup process starts.
  • When the device registration is finished, the new device will be displayed on the Device page on Actcast.

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