ActDK Migration Guide

ActDK Migration Guide #

This section describes the procedure required to update the ActDK. If you use a version not described here, you can update it and continue to use it.

1.10.0 #

ignores field in .actdk/files.json is deprecated: this field is ignored and deleted automatically. You can use .actdkignore instead.

1.7.0 #

actfw is deprecated. Instead, actfw-core and actfw-raspberrypi are released. If you import modules in actfw, a deprecation warning is reported. See How to use actfw and replace actfw.

1.6.0 #

The validation of setting_schema.json got more strict than before. If your schema fails validation, you need to modify it. See Application Schemas for more detail of new validation.

1.3.1 #

Some subcommands of actdk now notify errors if boards of manifestos of a project have duplicates.

At the application launch, boards are used to determine which manifesto should be applied to the target device. Especially, if duplicates exist in boards of manifesto/*.json files, it may result in unexpected behavior. actdk raises errors to avoid it. Please correct the manifestos if you get that error.

See manifesto/*.json for more details.

1.3.0 #

actdk init now generates a manifesto file for Raspberry Pi 4. It is generated only at initialization; it is not generated automatically for existing projects. If you want to support Raspberry Pi 4 in such projects, create the file manifesto/pi4_or_later.json by using actdk init and place it into your project.

See manifesto/*.json for more details.

1.0.1 #

Updating nnoir2stubc is required.

$ docker load -i nnoir2stubc-

1.0.0 #

ActDK official release (v1.0.0) enables developers to write “a manifesto” that defines the application resources. For an application without a manifesto, Actcast server applies the default setting automatically in its uploading.

If you have developed an application that uses some special device with previous versions of actdk, please make a new manifesto directory under the working directory, and place a JSON file that specifies the use of the device inside that directory.

See manifesto/*.json for more details.

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